Questions & Answers

2014 audi a6 push to start unable to complete decryption process EVO-ONE

0 votes
Im able to get the module into programing mode with the flashing red, yellow, and blue lights. The vehicle will shut down (key off) durring the process but will not key on. The key off happens near the end of the programing procedure i belive this is supposed to be a signal to key on and complete the key learning. I also notice the evo one will light blue when the fob is pressed but when remote start sequience is started no lights illuminate on the module. Im thinking firmware issue im running 60.10 as recomended and tried a few others. module # 002B04 266571
posté Jan 2, 2024 dans la catégorie Audi par Drake Trebon (180 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes

When you attempt 3x lock start, what do the led's on the evo do?

What does the vehicle do? Do ign turn on? Do the brake lights turn on?

Thank you.
répondu Jan 3, 2024 par derek g (358,230 points)
I was able to complete the key learning to the evo- one. i have mine set to lock unlock lock. i find with audi people press lock 3x to fast and remote start does not recognize the second lock command, anyway. when i hit lock or unlock i get a blue flash but thats it. no orange or red like the module is initalizing.

lock, unlock, lock, module flashes blue with each button press. remote start does not attempt to start the vehicle


Hmmm, im assuming the car is auto trans, did you cut the yellow loop?
omg wow. lol i dident cut the yellow wire. lets blame it on the long holiday!
Just make sure to fully unplug the unit before cutting the loop and don't worry...weve all been there!

Best regards.
0 votes
I was able to complete the key learning to the evo- one. i have mine set to lock unlock lock. i find with audi people press lock 3x to fast and remote start does not recognize the second lock command, anyway. when i hit lock or unlock i get a blue flash but thats it. no orange or red like the module is initalizing.

lock, unlock, lock, module flashes blue with each button press. remote start does not attempt to start the vehicle
répondu Jan 3, 2024 par Drake Trebon (180 points)