Questions & Answers

Mobile Remote Control and Telematic System ring

0 votes
Hello everyone, I installed it evo all with the 441 long-range remote, but unfortunately the distance is half the original remote, and I would like to install operation through the Mobile app, but I would like to know how it works in order to confirm the distance it covers before purchasing it.

Does it work via the Internet or via Bluetooth because the vehicle is 150 meters away from my residence? I am from the Middle East, as I read. It works in Canada via the network from long distances. I do not know how it supports the Middle East.

My car is a 2020 Camry and the engine stops when the door is opened, but there are some vehicles that do not turn off just the Push to Start button! They call it the Canadian developed device! I don't know if it is from Fortin or another company
posté Sept 19, 2023 dans la catégorie Toyota par MUSTAFA ADNAN (840 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes


Evo-start LTE is only supported in Canada and USA.

It works off a sim card and a cellular network.

It will not work over seas or in the middle east.

Best regards.
répondu Sept 20, 2023 par derek g (358,230 points)