Questions & Answers

Key fob doesn't work after remote start. Key takeover doesn't work

+1 vote
I installed the evo all on a 2013 ram 1500 tip key I followed all instructions. For some reason after remote starting the factory key fob will not unlock or lock the truck. The key take over dose not work I put the key in the turn it to on/run depress the brake and the truck dies. There are lights that come on the evo when starting and when lock and unlock. Is there anything I'm doing wrong? How can I fix this?
posté Fev 1, 2014 dans la catégorie Dodge par anonyme

2 Réponses

0 votes

That is normal. The remote does not work while the vehicle is running by factory, which is why we do not list the Stand Alone Remote Start feature for the tip key models.


An RF-Kit would work nicely with the EVO but you would have another remote.

répondu Fev 3, 2014 par Robert T (304,010 points)
Thank you for answering my questions. But I have another one I have two oem remote just for shit and giggles I used my other remote to see if it would work and sure enough it did it remote started and white the truck was running it unlocked and locked like it was suppose to it even let me do a key take over so why is that why does one work and the other not?

But I have another one I have two oem remote just for shit and giggles I used my other remote to see if it would work and sure enough it did it remote started and white the truck was running it unlocked and locked like it was suppose to it even let me do a key take over so why is that why does one work and the other not?

First time i hear that... To me, this sounds like the remotes can be programmed differently, such as driver1 and driver2 and have personalized options. That's something the dealer would be able to answer. It probably has to with how the remotes are first programmed to the vehicle. If it's personalized settings though, this you may be able to do yourself. Just have to look through the vehicles user guide. 

0 votes
I just installed evo all chrt6 on our 2014 Dart and had same thing happen. Went through programming and factory key fob would start the car but then the fob would do nothing while car was running under remote start. I used the other fob and all was good. What is the fix?
répondu Dec 28, 2017 par Wayne Davis (180 points)
Has anyone figured this out? i'm having the same problem on a 2014 Dart
The remote used to program the module does not function while the vehicle is remote started. There is a big note in the guide and on the website.


Program with keyfob1, use keyfob2 as your daily key.