Questions & Answers

Do D6 and D3 only read ignition?

0 votes
On the evo one are d6 and d3 only for starting the car with key? The immobilizer amplifier is fried and it seems they go on the ignition side after the cut wire so im wondering if they are necessary or if i can get away with putting them blank. Any information or thoughts would be awesome.
posté Avr 21, 2023 dans la catégorie Lexus par Austin Obrien (190 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes


Could you please provide a bit more details so I can better understand the question, such as the year, make and model of the vehicle and which module and installation guide # you are referring to?


Best regards.
répondu Avr 21, 2023 par derek g (357,980 points)