Questions & Answers

cruise control wont engage after evo 1 t harness install ?

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cruise control wont engage since evo 1 with t harness istalled ? 20 pin secondary connector pin A4 shows has (-) ignition to clutch relay but gives me a ground when vehicle is running and this wont allow my cruise to engage?
posté Oct 31, 2021 dans la catégorie Honda par JEAN FRANCOIS JACOB (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the year, make, model and trim of the vehicle?

What is the S/N on the back of the module?

Pin A4 is supposed to be a negative output when remote started.
répondu Nov 1, 2021 par derek g (358,230 points)
2013 Honda Accord

Touring , 6 speed manual

push to start

s/n 002B04 215784
The set up looks ok.


If you start the vehicle normally via the pts button does cruise control function?
When I start the car normally the cruise control won't engage !
pin 4 gives me a ground also when car is stated normally with Pts.
the only way to have my cruise control to function correctly it to disconnect Pine 4 from relay .
If the wire is always grounded that would mean the unit got damaged. Perhaps from the relay that had to get wired in.
OK , but pin 4 is not grounded when vehicle is not running ?
Oh, ok I must have mis understood.


So if the vehicle is off, the wire is not grounded, but with the vehicle running, it is grounded?


Is the wire grounded if you just turn on ignition?


You could also use pin A5 (white) in place of the Pin A4 (green)
Hi Derek

I moved it to pin A5 and everything works normally now !

Thanks for your help.
Glad that fixed it.


Best Regards.