Questions & Answers

Can heat/AC be wired in to come on automatically in 2013 Ford Fusion?

0 votes
I have a 2013 Ford Fusion SE, and I've installed the EVO-ALL (EVO-Fort2 package) unit and I'm wondering if there is an accessory wire in the white 20 pin supplied plug that can tap into the heat sensor on the lower kick panel to the right of the steering column? I've seen people do this on YouTube in the 2014-2015 Fusions with the same Fortin starter but it's never stated which wire to use with the supplied plug. Is this something that can be done or is it something in the options menu that needs to be turned on? Thanks
asked Jan 17, 2017 in Ford by ANDREW GROSS (130 points)
edited Jan 17, 2017 by ANDREW GROSS

2 Answers

0 votes
The accessory circuit is powered through the T-Harness.

The connection you speak of I have personally never heard of.
answered Jan 17, 2017 by derek g (358,130 points)
0 votes
The wire you are referring to only applies to Fusions that we have a 2nd guide for a different type of installation where we act like the oem remote starter (installation WITHOUT oem alarm control), that wire that you probably see in the youtube videos is the Ignition wire connection for the evo unit that is connected to the temperature sensor.
answered Jan 17, 2017 by J M (64,120 points)
I believe you are right. Thank you