Questions & Answers

DEI SmartStart to EVO-ONE data-link cable modification

+1 vote

When reviewing the guide (DEI SmartStart to EVO-ONE), there are only pictures showing "how" to modify the dtaa-link cable to connect both the EVO-ONE and SmartStart units together. Can you describe how to do this in words, please, as the pictures are unclear? Thanks.
asked Jan 16, 2015 in Kia by LaCorey Will (420 points)
retagged Jan 19, 2015 by Robert T

1 Answer

+1 vote

Just plug it in. The modification only shows cutting an extra part of the harness (picture 2) that doesn't connect anywhere.

The datalink cable has three ends. The black end with the clip plugs into the middle blue connector of the EVO-ONE. The white connector plugs into the SmartStart datalink connector. The left over smaller black connector does not connect to anything.


answered Jan 16, 2015 by Robert T (304,060 points)

When I called in, I was told I had to enable the D2D option as well as H4. This is not in the instructions. At this point, I don't know what is correct because I'm getting comflicting information.

This is unfortunately totally wrong for the EVO-ONE. Those options are for the EVO-ALL (curious to know who you spoke too). Technically, the H4 option is not even functional in the EVO-ONE. You will see it available in offline options because there is no way for the Flash-Link Manager to allow different offline options for all our products. The online options though, will not show you H4. I would really do a master reset to the bypass at this point. This will set everything back to default in the bypass options (you will need to reprogram the module to the car afterwards). The only option you need to enable is in the remote starter settings as stated in that PDF.

The cable I needed didn't come with the EVO-ONE or the SmartStart. Luckily, Best Buy had it. I simply rearranged the pins.

We will most likely make a harness for this type of setup (evo-one + smartstart) in the future. Shops normally have datalink cables laying around everywhere since every single bypass box has one.

Another question: When I originally installed the EVO-ONE, I never wired the bypass relay (red 5-pin harness) and the EVO-ONE remote starts perfectly. Will I need to wire this in for the SmartStart to work? Is that harness only for W2W mode? I'm assuming the SmartStart web app uses D2D for everything including lock status, etc?

I am assuming you meant the 6-pin red connector? You don't need it all in this installation. It has nothing to do with datalink and wire-to-wire connections either. It's really dependant on the actual installation.


At this point, I would do the following....

  1. Master Reset the bypass side of the EVO-ONE with the procedure i wrote in the previous post
  2. reprogram the EVO-ONE to the vehicle as per instructions in the vehicle installation guide
  3. bring the EVO-ONE to the computer. Make sure that on the bottom right of the screen it says Connection Mode : Remote Starter before connecting the unit. If it says Connection Mode : Bypass, hit the TOGGLE button so that it swaps over to Connection Mode : Remote Starter then connect the EVO-ONE.
    • Hit the letter O on the keyboard
    • Make sure XL202 is selected
    • Click Save Options (window will close by itself)
    • Disconnect unit and reconnect in vehicle.
  4. Plug in your EVO-ONE and the SmartStart (make sure that datalink cable has the pins correct)
  5. Follow that magical Step 10 of the PDF which pairs he units.


If you want, send me pictures to of the datalink cable you are using, where it's connected on the EVO-ONE and also a picture of it connected to the SmartStart cable. Just make sure pictures show pin locations from both ends of the cable. Does not have to be in the car, connect the data cable from evo to smartstart on your desk or something, grab a picture, send it over.

I'll send pics.


I can't enter the programming mode using the valet switch for step 10. I've done it quickly after pressing start/stop button twice to turn ignition on. The amber light on the EVO-ONE is solid on.

Ok, I figured out that my parking lights flash in conjuction with pressing the valet button when I entered valet mode. I was able to get the SmartStart to connect to the EVO-ONE and initiate a remote start via the app. It started then immediately shut off. Then both units were dead, so I checked the 5 amp fuse and it was blown, so I replaced it and tried again. Everything works fine. I will reconfigure the pins so I can power the SmartStart from the power connector so I don't keep blowing the fuse for the EVO-ONE. Here are the pics. The first pic shows the cable I got from Best Buy with the pins configured properly. When I got it, the colors did not correspond to this configuration.

The second pic is the data link cable with the black and red pins removed so I can power the SmartStart with the fused power cable that came with it. This takes the extra load off the EVO-ONE fuse.


Hopefully this info helps. Thanks for your help on all this!

Update: Ok, removing the red and black pins and trying to use the separate power connector did not work for some reason. I guess with the pairing process, it switches the power from the connector to the datalink cable. So I put the pins back and all is good. I'm just going to keep an eye on it. I may have to upgrade the 5 amp fuse to a 7.5 or 10.

Excellent pics, they help alot and will most likely help others in the future.


Leave the pins as you have them in the first picture. Just change that 5A fuse. If it's blowing it's because the (+)Start, (+)Ignition and (+)accessory and the SmartStart are actually pulling more than 5A total. If you want to test the total current draw, you need a Clamp Ampmeter unless you have a multimeter that can handle more than 10Amps (just incase the setup pulls more than 10Amps). At this point though, just stick a 7.5, 10 or 15A in there and you should be good to go.
