Questions & Answers

XL202 was showing up in Unit Options but was not being saved, now not showing up all.

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Installed a Evo One into 2021 Mazda CX-5 with a add-on DSM550. The Evo one was updated to firmware 85.12 (Bypass) and1.26 (Remote Start) and XL202 saved (supposedly). Remote start works fine however DSM550 is not able to commincate with EVO. Double checked the unit options and XL202 desappered. I did try changing firmware versions, some of them I was able to get xl202 to appear but soon as I disconnect the data link and reconnect it, XL202 has disappered. Now I am out of Firmware update flashes. Any ideas what my next step should be in troubleshooting this issue?

Evo ONE date: 12/2022

Flash Link 4 date 09/2022

asked Mar 30, 2023 in Mazda by Harinder Johal (130 points)

1 Answer

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- Flash the remote starter to FW 1.21

- Unplug the evo-one

- Close the flash link manager

- Open flash link manager

- Reconnect the evo-one

- Click configuration > Unit options

- XL202 should now be displayed


*Please note while this option appears Fortin no longer supports the xl202.


Best regards.
answered Mar 31, 2023 by derek g (334,350 points)