Questions & Answers

Diode placement for 2015 Mitsubishi Mirage

0 votes
For the online standard install on 2015 Mitsubishi Mirage, for parts not included it mentions a inline fuse and 2X 6 amp diodes. I understand the fuse is on the +12 volt. However I do not see where you recommend the diodes be placed on the diagram. My 1st guess is for the parking light circuit but wanted to confirm. Please advise which line. Also can you say if the 3X lock start will work on this vehicle or i will need another source for trigger? Thanks for your reply.
asked Apr 12, 2016 in Mitsubishi by Shawn Peterman (150 points)
edited Apr 12, 2016 by Shawn Peterman

1 Answer

+2 votes
Hi Shawn,

You will not need to use any diodes in this particular installation.

Just follow the guide and  you should be fine. 3xlock is not supported on this particular installation. You will need a separate RF kit if you are using an Evo-One and a complete separate remote starter unit if you are using an Evo-All

Thank you
answered Apr 12, 2016 by J M (64,060 points)

Thanks so much! I got the Evo-One installed today in my 2015 Mitsubishi Mirage and it is working flawlessly. This is my first experience with your products and they seem really nice. Would definitely recommend! smiley
