Questions & Answers

evo one programmed but not working

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i am installing an evo one with t harness on an 2012 toyota tocoma .the evo one programmed correctly along with along with fortin rf kit. truck cranks but will not start. tryed to reprogram it will not let me red led just stays on .i tried to reset back to factory settings in case i changed any options by accident now remotes wont reprogram
posté Fev 10, 2020 dans la catégorie Toyota par matthew lombard (130 points)

1 Réponse

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1. If led is always red, follow this:

2. once the remotes are programmed, there is no need to reprogram them.

3. Vehicle only cranking would indicate 1, or a few of the following...

--- Option 2.4 not enabled

--- If not using a t-harness, the ignition switch is not powered correctly.

--- Vehicle may be equipped with factory remote starter. Active/functional or not, it needs to be completely removed.

--- Bad ground


Start by fixing your red led. Reset and reprogram the evo afterwards. 

répondu Fev 10, 2020 par Robert T (304,010 points)