Questions & Answers

2016 Nissan Altima PTS Take Over

0 votes
I installed and evo one with a crimestopper remote start and everything works fine. however i noticed if I unlock the doors by pushing the button on the remote i need to follow the takeover procedure by pressing the PTS button twice as stated in the instructions, HOWEVER if I keep the key in my pocket and push the button on the door handle to unlock it does the takeover procedure automaticly without me having to push the PTS button at all. Can anyone else confirm this?
posté Jan 20, 2017 dans la catégorie Nissan par Mike M (9,820 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the service number to the module?
répondu Jan 20, 2017 par derek g (336,040 points)
001A06 659070
When you use the proximity feature and get in the vehicle without pressing the PTS button, once youve pressed the brake...what do the lights on the evo do?
red goes off and yellow stays on
hhhmmm so the evo is indeed shutting down during take over which is good. I have never heard of not having to press the PTS button though. Did you connect the start/stop connection?
yes i did.

I noticed it only does the take over after I close the door if i use the proximity button but never close the driver door it doesnt do it automaticly.
can you meter the start/stop wire on the evo and tell me if it pulses when you do the takeover using the proximity feature??
it pulses negative 2 times when I do the proximty button.