Questions & Answers

key override wont program

0 votes
i have an 04 f-150 with viper carstarter and fortin bypass. i try to program the bypass but it wont work this is what iam doing.

1 press hold button

2insert connection one

3insert connection 2

4put key in and turn to on untill security light goes out

5 remove key and insert second key and repeat step 4

remove key and activate remote start

now the led should go out but it doent it flashes once then stays solid any ideas as to why it wont program.i have check and rechecked and checked again with my wiring and all looks ok even had some one else go over it and they cant see anything wrong
asked Dec 31, 2015 in Ford by kelly moody (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
could be that all the key slots in the truck are used up?

Also could be that the truck is locked against programming a new key?

can you remote start the car with the key in barrell with ignition off?
answered Jan 7, 2016 by derek g (336,040 points)
0 votes
You do release the button AFTER the 2nd connector is plugged in right?


Also you can try the "manual transmission" style of programming, I have found in the past that there is too much of a delay after step 7 and the remote starter starting the vehicle, so just push the programming button and power up the ignition of the vehicle with a jumper.
answered Jan 7, 2016 by J M (64,060 points)