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Updated and the alarm no longer beeps when pressed for the second time (HORN)

+1 vote
In addition, the operating mode was set to 3 minutes, but the actual operating time was only 1.55 minutes, and a new key code was updated to solve the problem but more than once until the attempts were completed. Knowing that the device has been working properly for me since 2019 until this update problem appeared. Please solve the problem for me, from the bottom of

code SN:002B04045909

Note that previously, before the update, the alarm worked properly after pressing it a second time and the engine would start remotely, but now all the settings are fine but the alarm does not work. My car is a 2014 Honda Accord

Please and I beg you to help me
asked 3 days ago in Honda by moom2030 (130 points)
edited 3 days ago by moom2030

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