Questions & Answers

INT-SL+intalling on 2002 Chrysler 300M What Remote Stater can I us ?

0 votes
Hello Everone

I have a 2002 Chrysler 300m what would be the recommend remote stater With an INT-Sl+? the quick vehicle finder recommends An All or INT-SL+ for an interface, can I us an Evo One RF Kit?

OR do I use a Analog Remote Stater system from other providers.

Help please,

asked 2 weeks ago in Chrysler by Chitos (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


You could use an evo-one and rf kit but it would be kinda over kill for the situation and you would be utulising its full potential..


Any analog remote starter will work with the int-sl+ in wire to wire connection.


Best regards.
answered 2 weeks ago by derek g (337,610 points)
Thanks Derek