Questions & Answers

Dodge 2007 2500 diesel

+1 vote
I have a 2007 dodge 2500 diesel, what kind of device would I need that has a feature for warming the glow plugs up when it is cold and will have the key fob start feature where I can start the truck from out side of it?
posté Jan 7, 2014 dans la catégorie Dodge par Cody Legg (180 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
You can use an EVO ALL and activate diesel mode.You will need a flash link updater to do this. In diesel mode it keeps the glowplugs on for 30 seconds, and cranks a little longer for colder temperatures. As long as your vehicle is automatic then there is no problem.
répondu Jan 7, 2014 par Cody Legg (8,290 points)
How long are they set to run when you turn it on with the key fob