Questions & Answers

Evo All and RM942 Install

0 votes
Hello, I have a Evo All and ordered a RM942 to use with it. Its on a 2022 F150 with no keyless entry. On your website it states these two can be used together but in the install sheet for them, I need to connect the Antenna Cable to the blue female connector on the harness going to the Evo All. However the cable that came with my Evo All does not have the blue female connector, it just has a Red, Black, Blue, White harness the plugs into the evo all, then has swo ends, a black and a white connector. Is this kit indeed compatible or are they not? I cannot find where it states do get more accessories for these to be compatible. Is there a way around using the blue female connector? Can i wire the wires in together?

Edit: Using a wire to wire. Not a T harness.

Thank you.
posté Jan 12, 2023 dans la catégorie Ford par Rob Long (130 points)
modifié Jan 12, 2023 par Rob Long

1 Réponse

0 votes
The RFA2A adaptor will be needed in this case.  The adaptor comes with EVO-ALL-942 all in one kit, but will not come with the normal EVO-ALL kit.


Here is the EVO-ALL-942 install guide:
répondu Jan 12, 2023 par Robert T (304,010 points)