Questions & Answers

What is a "standard key?"

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Toyota FJ Crusier 2007, EVO One: THe only trim option is "standard key."  I assume that is regular old key.  Is that the case.  Just making sure as I do not hava a transponder connector but it is on my wiring diagram.
posté Jan 5, 2021 dans la catégorie Toyota par Ken Lewis (210 points)

1 Réponse

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yes regular key is just a plain metal key.


If your vehicle has no transponder then ignore the transponder connections and in vehicle programming in the guide. Simply set option 20.2 and hardwire the rest of the features such as brake, door locks, parking lights etc.
répondu Jan 5, 2021 par derek g (347,180 points)
élue Jan 5, 2021 par Robert T